You would like to be part of your horses training progress rather than giving your horse into full time training ?
Or you are looking to bring your horse for Full Time Training but you are not quite sure whether I am the right trainer for your Horse and you would like to see my training philosophy as well as my approaches in action ?
The 3 -Day Evaluation is for everyone who’s looking to gain more insights about his/ her horses behavior & performance. I evaluate during the 3- Day stay where the horses training status is at / what the root of a certain problem or behavior is to then figure out how the specific horse learns and how we can approach it.
During the training sessions I execute a variety of Training exercises and Techniques in order to give the horse an idea of what we are working on right now to see a first change in it’s behavior / a difference in its performance.
After the 3-Day Evaluation I will talk you through the whole evaluation , explain and show exercises and techniques in detail and give you a customized training plan back home.
⭐️ The following topics are ‚typical‘ 3-Day Evaluation topics ⭐️
You would like to generally improve your horses training?
Your horse is pushy?
Your horse is aggressive?
Your horse is rearing/ bolting/ bucking?
Your horse is anxious?
You horse has Trailer loading problems ?
You feel like your stuck in your training progress?
Your horse is hard to collect ?
Your horse won’t stand still during mounting?
Your horse is not accepting the bit?
Your horse is ‚lazy‘?
Your horse is too ‚hot‘?
You are looking for new inspirations?
Sounds interesting ? Message me for further info !